Name index with birth and death years

Jonathan ILLSLEY (1851 - 1883)
Joseph ILLSLEY (c.1804 - 1876)
Joseph ILLSLEY (c.1831 - 1870)
Joseph ILLSLEY (1837 - )
Joseph ILLSLEY (1858 - )
Joseph ILLSLEY (1862 - 1936)
Joseph ILLSLEY (1863 - 1925)
Joseph ILLSLEY (c.1870 - 1871)
Kate Woodroffe ILLSLEY (1881 - )
Laurence Harold ILLSLEY (1906 - 1907)
Liza ILLSLEY (c.1889 - )
Lois ILLSLEY (c.1824 - )
Margaret A. ILLSLEY (c.1866 - )
Margaret Ann ILLSLEY (1877 - )
Margaret Harriet ILLSLEY (1859 - )
Maria ILLSLEY (c.1821 - 1893)
Maria ILLSLEY (1844 - )
Maria Dawson ILLSLEY (1862 - )
Martha ILLSLEY (c.1823 - )
Mary ILLSLEY ( - <1874)
Mary ILLSLEY (1845 - )
Mary ILLSLEY (1847 - )
Mary ILLSLEY (1855 - )
Mary ILLSLEY (c.1857 - )
Mary ILLSLEY (1864 - )
Mary ILLSLEY (c.1876 - )
Mary ILLSLEY (1877 - )
Mary A. ILLSLEY (1880 - )
Mary Ann ILLSLEY (1848 - )
Mary Ann ILLSLEY (1852 - 1853)
Mary Ann ILLSLEY (1859 - )
Mary Ann ILLSLEY (c.1872 - 1879)
Mary Ann ILLSLEY (c.1877 - )
Mary Ann or Maud ILLSLEY
Mary Edith ILLSLEY (1860 - )
Mary Edith ILLSLEY (1880 - )
Mary Elizabeth ILLSLEY (1878 - )
Mary Elizabeth ILLSLEY (c.1879 - )
Mary Ellen ILLSLEY (1874 - )
May ILLSLEY (1890 - )

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