This page contains links for parents and children.


Online Science experiments for children

"This is my play space" says author Peter Macinnis. Visiting this site is a must. Follow the link to the 'set of small experiments' and you'll see what I mean. You find a wealth of captivating science activities for the younger child. Note the explanations further down the page.


Online archive of Surfing the Net with Kids

Suggests many sites for children, many topics and an archive.



is a site featuring an encyclopedia, an atlas, educational games and more.

This is a comprehensive and interactive site for the serious science kid. It relies heavily on the use of interactive "applets". If you have java script on your brouwser you will have fun playing around with wave shapes, polarising filters, atomic structures and the like.



highly recommended for all those youngsters (and us not-so-young, for that matter) who wish to inform themselves about a variety of subjects. How root canal treatment is done, how photocopiers work, space flight - you name it and most likely find it there. The author's name is Marshall Brain. He points out, however, that this really is his proper name. Looking over his tremendous site, I'm sure you'll agree, it's a name he has deserved.



Some interesting facts about the working and maintenance of clocks.



To be continued.

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